Inexpensive or Free Head & Eye Tracking Software
For individuals that have lost the ability to use a standard mouse to control their computer, there are several low cost or no cost alternatives. It seems these methods work best when the target areas (the spots where you click) are larger, requiring less precise movements.
To move the mouse around the screen without using your hands, you need to have software and a tracking device.
Head tracking software to move the mouse around the screen:
- Cam Space free Windows software
- Facial Mouse Open Source Version free Windows software
- Free Track free, opensource for any Windows compatible video device
- HeadDev free Windows software that uses a webcam (Spanish version)
- iTracker for Mac, uses webcam $29.99
- Camera Mouse free Windows software for XP, Vista and 7, uses a webcam and is free
Eye tracking software to move the mouse around the screen
- ITU Gaze Tracker free Windows software works with a webcam or videocamera with nightvision and infrared illumination.
- myEYE is a free eye tracking program for use on Windows with a high resolution webcam
- Open Gazer is free eye gaze software for Linux that works with a webcam
- EyeWriter low-cost eye-tracking apparatus & custom open-source software that allows graffiti writers and artists with paralysis to draw using only their eyes.
- OpenEyes open-source open-hardware toolkit for low-cost real-time eye tracking
- TrackEye Real-Time Tracking Of Human Eyes Using a Webcam. Implemented in C++ using the OpenCV library.
May 22, 2015
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